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Amber Oud - Deluxe Candle


Amber Oud - Deluxe Candle


The scent that started it all! AEMBR's founder always gravitated towards AMBER + OUD scents, as she believed it was a scent note marriage made in heaven! We've perfected the pairing and made it completely non-toxic. Egyptian Amber meets that woody charm of Oud. It starts with a hit of amber, sprinkled with a bit of powder and guaiacwood, then settles into a mix of cedar, santal, and a dash of vanilla and tonka. And, as you can imagine, our founder's obsessed with this scent—so you know we made sure it's top-notch (and yup, it's clean too)! 

Fragrance Family: Woody Ambrée

Every AEMBR candle is meticulously handcrafted with the utmost care and precision. With a generous 12-ounce net weight, this candle promises an impressive 70-hour burn time, allowing you to enjoy it for much longer than most candles of similar size/weight.
