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Sweet Dreams Set


Sweet Dreams Set


Relax, get REM sleep, recharge and repeat with our coolest self-care products for a good night’s rest or nap.

  • Cool Pad (80°F) – The coolest pad you’ll ever have! Eases back tension and cools hot flashes and night sweats. Stays surprisingly cool for up to an hour and refreshes to cool state when not in use (no refrigeration required!).
  • Eye Mask (58°F) – Get safe, soothing cool relief of headaches, migraines, puffy eyes and swelling with no risk of ice burn on your beautiful face. Stays cool up to 30-40 minutes.

Enjoy your new night care routine! Sets available in two colors: Blush or Gray Mist.


Cooling Temperatures:

58° Chill – Scientific studies suggest 58° F is the optimal cooling temperature for safe, effective cool therapy. Opal Cool’s PCM stays comfortably cool without the known risks of using ice-based products: skin burns, frostbite, tissue and nerve damage. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to activate.

80° Cool Comfort -This temperature surprisingly feels comfortably cool at 80° F when placed directly against your hot skin. As the white cooling PCM pods absorb your body heat and transition from solid to liquid. When the pods become clear, watch it refresh to cool state at room temperature – no refrigeration required!


Opal Cool products are made with plant-based cooling PCM that is specially formulated to provide cooling relief at just the right temperature. 

Unlike ice packs or gel-based coolers that start uncomfortably cold and then warm up quickly, Opal Cool’s PCM products maintain a consistent, comfortable cooling temperature. Even better – you can wear these directly on your skin.  

When Opal Cool’s PCM comes in direct contact with your skin, the cooling pods gradually pull heat away from your body, which causes them to slowly melt and change from a solid to liquid. When the pods are completely clear, it’s time to remove and recool the wrap. Great news: you can reactivate and reuse these over and over again!

Worry-free cooling:  You can recharge these in the fridge or freezer. When you place it on your skin the PCM quickly self-regulates to its skin-safe temp.  

Safelong-lasting, and comfortable cooling.   NO RISK OF ICE BURN OR FROST BITE – so much nicer than ice~