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Fragrance - Coconut Water + Sandalwood


Fragrance - Coconut Water + Sandalwood


This deep, inviting scent is anchored by cedar and sandalwood and balanced by coconut water and bergamot. It’s woody and energizing – leaning on a subtle black pepper pick-me-up – and masterfully achieves dark-side, light-side harmony. High-end luxury meets everyday approachability.

Coconut Water + Sandalwood is a fresh, woody scent that sustains a warm, cozy feeling all day. Black pepper wakes you up, sandalwood draws you in while refreshing coconut water and bergamot keep things from getting too heavy.

Top notes: Bergamot, Meyer Lemon, Black


Middle notes: Coconut Water, Geranium,


Base notes: Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Patchouli
