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Strawberry Elderflower Spritz Birkin Basket


Strawberry Elderflower Spritz Birkin Basket


Before the Birkin, Jane was carrying whicker baskets. We could only imagine that if we were making spirits at the peak of her prime, her basket would be filled with Strawberry Daytrip Amaro, and Eldest Daughter Elderflower Vermouth, but that's just us. Inspired by Jane Birkin's baskets and their gushing contents, we created a basket that has everything you need for the perfect summer picnic spritz.


Elderflower Spritz

2 bar spoons Briermere Farms' strawberry jam

1.5 oz Strawberry Daytrip Amaro

1.5 oz Eldest Daughter Elderflower Vermouth

Top with soda water

Pour over ice, mix, garnish & enjoy.
