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Lolli Sweet Spiked 750ml


Lolli Sweet Spiked 750ml


The bold one! Lolli Sweet Spiked Wine Cocktail offers a rich, fruit-driven red wine blend with a complex rush of flavors, a spirited hint of heat and smooth sweetness. A good sipping drink with just enough bite, Lolli Sweet Spiked has velvety notes of dark cherry, ripe blackberry and caramelized orange, accented by a dash of toffee and vanilla characteristics.


How to Serve & Enjoy

Drink how you want! We recommend serving it chilled or over ice, in your favorite glass, and topped with a brandied cherry.

Perfect Pairing

Cheers to nights on fire — when you want to escape the mundane 9-5 or just want to live it up. Remix any occasion into something bold, sweet and special! Lolli Sweet Spiked pairs perfectly with cocktail parties and nights out on the town!