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Starter Caviar Set


Starter Caviar Set


Try out your choice of Royal Ossetra, Kaluga Hybrid Reserve or both! Our briny Royal Ossetra and our mild Kaluga Hybrid Reserve are both premium, world-renowned varieties that simply differ in tasting notes and texture.

Starter caviar set includes a tin of caviar (2 tins of caviar), a mother of pearl spoon, a tin opener, and a velvet bag. This Caviar Starter Set does not include the wooden tray.

Royal Ossetra Profile

Flavor: Bold, briny, oceanic

Size: Large

Most Common Color: Jade and gold

Species: Acipenser Guldenstadtii

Common Name: Ossetra Sturgeon


Kaluga Hybrid Reserve Profile

Flavor: Balanced, mild

Size: Large

Most Common Color: Dark amber to brown with gold

Species: Huso Dauricus/Acipenser Shrenckii

Common Name: Kaluga Huso Hybrid or River Beluga


The Starter Caviar Set includes:

  • Options: 1x 50g Royal Ossetra ($99), 1x 50g Kaluga Hybrid Reserve ($99), 1x 50g Royal Ossetra + 1x 50g Kaluga Hybrid Reserve ($165), 1x 100g Royal Ossetra + 1x 100g Kaluga Hybrid Reserve ($290)
  • Includes: A tin of caviar (2 tins of caviar), a mother of pearl spoon, a tin opener, and a velvet bag.