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Hella Habanero Margarita


Hella Habanero Margarita


A Habanero Margarita so punched up with Smoked Chili Bitters, the “deeply-smoky-and-spicy-yet-somehow-still-refreshing” flavor is meant to linger long after the function is finished.

Introducing Hella Margaritas. Bring flavor to the party like only you can. We challenged ourselves to craft a new classic, focusing only on taste, uncompromising quality, and fun. With only 200 calories and 6 grams of total sugar, there’s nothing artificial here, just the perfect margarita made with a dash of Hella Bitters to bind it all together.

  • The Best Tasting Margaritas, Hands Down
  • Made With Craft Cocktail Bitters to Upgrade and Bind Flavors Together
  • Only 6 grams of Sugar
  • Made with Additive Free Tequila and Naturally Gluten Free
  • Minority Owned, Community Grown
  • Crafted in California
  • Three cases of 4 x 12oz Cans of Habanero Margarita
