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Iron Bump


Iron Bump


Iron Bump is a gentle-on-the-stomach iron supplement paired with vitamin C to optimize absorption.

  • Price: From $16.95 USD
  • Especially beneficial throughout the fertility journey

Iron Bump

  • Gentle-on-the-stomach
  • Paired with vitamin C to optimize absorption
  • Price: From $16.95 USD

Iron during pregnancy is one of the most popular topics FullWell consistently address via email and DM. And with good reason!  Iron is a critical mineral needed for growth and development. Iron levels should be monitored and adjusted while trying to conceive and during pregnancy. Many aspects of you and your developing baby’s health depend on it.

That said, the number one question FullWell receives has to do with the fact that its FullWell Women’s Prenatal, well, doesn't contain any iron.


Iron needs and tolerances vary significantly by individual. The amount of iron your body requires changes as pregnancy progresses, and getting enough iron is critical for health at every stage. However, not all women need to supplement with iron to keep their levels in an ideal range. Plenty of women get enough iron through diet alone (which makes me - the real food dietitian - extremely happy! More on that later). For those who need to supplement, matching the form and dose of iron to individualized, specific needs may be best.

FullWell founder Aya learned that monitoring your iron status during pregnancy with your healthcare practitioner will always be your best bet, as form and dosage are much more unique to each individual.This way, if you need supplemental iron, you’ll know which form to take and consume it separately in appropriate doses at your healthcare practitioner’s recommendation.This will help avoid unnecessary digestive distress, avoid interfering with the absorption of other vital nutrients, and keep you from consuming too much or too little iron overall. 

So in short, FullWell didn't leave iron out of its Women's Prenatal because it's unimportant - it's left out because its so important that it should be tended to on its own, apart from your (equally important) comprehensive prenatal multivitamin.
