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Clif Family x Reyna Noriega White Wine Blend


Clif Family x Reyna Noriega White Wine Blend


“As an artist, I am drawn to the beauty and complexity of winemaking. There's a shared passion between the art of creating a delicious wine and the artistry of creating a visually compelling piece.” – Reyna Noriega, Artist

This white wine blends Chardonnay and Viognier grapes organically grown in the Napa Valley, where art and wine come together in unique ways. Winemaker Laura Barrett has crafted a vibrant and expressive wine, showcasing the unique characteristics of both varietals. Look forward to notes of citrus, stone fruit, and honeysuckle, balanced by a refreshing acidity. Reyna Noriega’s signature artwork graces the bottle, reflecting a connection to the natural world and the artistry behind both winemaking and artistic creation. 
