Jon Pundyk
Jon has been part of the management team at Glamorise during both its 75th and 100th anniversaries but has actually been involved with the company for most of his life. As a young teen he interned in Glamorise’s design department cutting patterns and continued to work in the design department while still in high school.
Formally educated at Cornell University and Dartmouth College, Jon worked at Procter & Gamble in brand management and at Booz-Allen as a consultant focused on retail growth strategies. Jon joined Glamorise in 1990 as part of the management team and has been CEO for almost two decades. During this time, Glamorise has enjoyed uninterrupted growth and has been established as an important brand among curvy women.
Location | New York, NY |
Years Active | 34 |
Website | https://glamorise.com |
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