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Founder WhIsBe
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Vandal Gummy Bears is a bold new brand that blends art and candy to create something truly unique. Known for breaking the rules, Vandal Gummy Bears brings unexpected flavors and a rebellious attitude to the candy world, encouraging consumers to embrace creativity and individuality. These aren’t your ordinary gummy bears—they’re a fun and playful escape that invites everyone to get in on the mischief.

As a startup, we’re focused on getting our name out there and showing the world what we’re all about. We stand for pushing boundaries, self-expression, and breaking the rules in the best way possible. Vandal Gummy Bears is making waves in the candy scene, and we’re inviting you to join the fun and taste the rebellion.

Founding Story

The journey of Vandal Gummy Bears started with WhIsBe’s desire to bring his street art to life in a new way. Known for his graffiti-style Vandal Gummy Bear, WhIsBe wanted to create something that wasn’t just seen but experienced. It all started with a simple question: ‘What if these bears could jump off the wall and into people’s lives in a fun, playful way?’ That question led to an exciting realization—his art could live in a whole new medium: candy.

This was the “ah-ha” moment that sparked the birth of Vandal Gummy Bears. WhIsBe took the rebellious spirit of his art and turned it into a line of gummy bears with bold flavors and a whole lot of attitude. Just like his art, these gummy bears break the rules of what candy should be. With that, Vandal Gummy Bears became a way for WhIsBe to take his message of creativity, rebellion, and fun from the streets to people’s hands. Every gummy is more than just candy—it’s a playful statement.


Vandal Gummy Bears
Vandal Gummy Bears $5.99

Team Bios

Contemporary artist WhIsBe has established a formidable reputation in both the renegade world of street art but also the mainstream art world encompassing the museum, gallery and arena of public installations. Regardless of where he works, the artist remains anonymous. His moniker, shorthand for “What is Beauty”, is at once innocuous and sweet and introduces more substantive themes of cultural examination and subversion that underline much of his body of work.

WhIsBe attended New York’s School of Visual Arts; however, the art techniques he utilizes are largely autogenous. Inspired by Andy Warhol’s ingenious use of commercial imagery coupled with Jean-Michel Basquiat’s disruption of public space, WhIsBe wanted to share his message with a broad spectrum of people, not only those who have access to museums and galleries, and began putting up self-sanctioned work in the street in 2011. WhIsBe has since gone on to generate more and more content that sparks thoughtful dialogue and nuanced socio-awareness. Using a subversive formula of colliding seemingly innocent images with meaningful messages, WhIsBe’s subtle alterations to known designs irrevocably disrupt their meaning. For instance, in his iconic Vandal Gummy series, WhIsBe places the beloved sugary treat against a prison mugshot background, gripping an identity placard in between his gelatin paws. This juxtaposition between the nostalgic and the sinister has become a hallmark of WhIsBe’s body of work—in presenting attractive images that viewers initially feel safe absorbing, WhIsBe cleverly and strategically encourages them to examine their own critique of problematic institutions.

WhIsBe has partnered with charities and corporations ranging from the Art Works Charity Foundation to Charity Water to Red Bull to COACH and has exhibited work at notable events including: Art Basel through Castle Fitzjohns Gallery, Context & Art New York, and Art Southampton through the Keszler Gallery. In 2016, he collaborated with the New Museum in New York City to create a large-scale installation of three-dimensional, polychrome Vandal Gummies as well as a series of limited-edition prints. In 2017, publications such as business insider, Vice HBO and Forbes wrote articles focusing on the artist along with the MOCO Museum Amsterdam acquiring a seven-foot tall “Vandal Gummy” sculpture. Also in 2017, WhIsBe was invited among select significant contemporaries to create work for 4 World Trade Center's 69th floor and commissioned to place a seven foot tall “Vandal Gummy” sculpture for the buildings lobby centerpiece.

In a bold move in 2024, WhIsBe extended his Vandal Gummy concept into a tangible venture, launching a line of Vandal Gummy Bears candies. This initiative bridges his art with confectionery, continuing his commitment to challenging perceptions and engaging audiences in novel and unexpected manners.



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