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Date Established 11/2023
Founder Mateo Negrete
Arts and Crafts
E-commerce & Retail


La Mar is a collective of photographers, ocean lovers, creatives, surfers, and friends. Their mission is simple: to bring the beauty of the ocean into your home, support their artists, and help fight plastic pollution.⁠

When you choose art from La Mar Collective, you’re not just enhancing your home; you’re supporting a global community of photographers and artists. Your purchase directly contributes to their livelihood, helping them continue to create and share their passion for the ocean.

La Mar Collective is more than just an art gallery; they’re a movement committed to sustainability and ethical practices. Their frames are crafted from sustainably sourced materials and assembled in the USA. With every purchase, they contribute to environmental initiatives like removing ocean plastic through their partnership with Oceanworks®.

Founding Story

La Mar Collective: A Story of Passion and Purpose

Mateo Negrete, founder of La Mar Collective, has always had an eye for the perfect moment. As a touring and in-house live music photographer throughout California, Mateo spent years capturing the "money-shot"—the epic moment that defined a show. It was this pursuit of the perfect image that translated seamlessly into his passion for curating coastal and surf photography. In Mateo's eyes, not every photo deserves a place on the wall. The ones that do need to enhance a space and evoke a sense of awe, whether in a living room, bedroom, or gallery.

Born and raised in Northern California as a second-generation surfer, Mateo grew up deeply connected to the ocean. However, when he searched for wall art for his apartment just blocks from Ocean Beach in San Francisco, he found that none of the galleries reflected his authentic relationship with the sea. The mainstream coastal art on offer felt distant from his experiences—crowded lineups and uninspiring waves that didn’t resonate with his view of surf culture. That’s when the idea for La Mar Collective was born. Mateo sought to fill this gap, offering a collection of art that speaks to those who share a genuine connection with the ocean.

La Mar is more than just a gallery. It’s a reflection of Mateo’s personal journey and love for the ocean. His curation process is deeply intuitive—each image must evoke emotion, power, and beauty, mirroring the freedom and awe the ocean instills. If a photograph doesn’t make him stop, analyze, and feel something, it doesn’t make the cut.

At its core, La Mar Collective is about supporting artists. Mateo, an artist himself, understands the challenges photographers face in sustaining their craft. That’s why he insists on non-exclusive agreements with his photographers, allowing them to sell their work elsewhere if they choose. This commitment to empowering artists, rather than limiting their opportunities, sets La Mar apart from other galleries. In addition to supporting artists, La Mar is dedicated to protecting the ocean. With every purchase, La Mar removes 10 pounds of plastic from the ocean through partnerships with sustainability initiatives—giving back to the very source of inspiration.

After over a decade in marketing and eCommerce, helping other businesses grow, Mateo realized it was time to build something of his own—something that truly mattered to him. Past ventures may have failed due to a lack of passion, but La Mar is different. Mateo is deeply connected to this business, to the art, and to the customers who share his love for the ocean.

Today, La Mar Collective serves anyone who aligns with the coastal lifestyle—surfers, divers, sailors, fishermen, and ocean lovers of all kinds. La Mar’s carefully curated photography is more than just art; it’s a celebration of the ocean and the connection we all share with its beauty, power, and freedom.


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