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Date Established 01/1998
Founder Brett and Brenda Habenicht


Kerriston Coffee Roasters is a family-owned, small-batch coffee company rooted in Maple Valley, Washington. Founded with a deep respect for the generations that came before, Kerriston pays tribute to the historic mining town from which it takes its name. With over 30 years of experience, the founders have combined their passion for quality coffee and their dedication to community, handcrafting every blend with precision and care.

We believe that the best things in life take time. While the world rushes, we slow down. Every batch is roasted by hand, and we personally bag and seal each order as it comes in—no automation, just real people putting in the work. That’s how we guarantee the freshest, most flavorful coffee reaches you every time.

We source the finest beans from around the world and roast them locally, paying attention to every detail because we know that quality can’t be rushed. Each cup reflects our dedication to the craft and our belief in doing things the right way, no shortcuts.

Veteran-owned and community-driven, Kerriston Coffee remains committed to craftsmanship, integrity, and the people it serves.

Founding Story

Kerriston Coffee’s story began not in a quiet café or bustling coffee shop, but on the deck of a Navy ship in the Mediterranean Sea in 1986. During his deployment, Brett Habenicht, co-founder of Kerriston Coffee, made a stop in Trieste, Italy—a port known for its rich coffee culture. It was here that Brett first tasted espresso, a single sip that would change everything.

Curious and captivated, Brett found himself learning from a local barista who took the time to teach him the ins and outs of espresso-making. Little did the barista know, he was planting a seed in Brett that would grow into a lifelong passion. As Brett left Trieste, he knew that when he returned home, he’d bring that love of coffee with him, dreaming of one day opening his own coffee business.

Fast forward nearly 30 years, and Kerriston Coffee is the embodiment of that dream. What started as a fascination with espresso in a faraway port has turned into a thriving coffee roastery in Maple Valley, Washington. Today, Brett pours the same care and dedication into his coffee as that barista did in Trieste. Every bag of Kerriston Coffee reflects the passion, craftsmanship, and commitment to quality that first sparked on that Mediterranean journey.

At Kerriston Coffee, it’s more than just a cup—it’s a story.

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