If you’ve been keeping even a surface-level eye on the news as of late, it’s unlikely that you’ve missed all of the big stories about AI. It seems as though, all of a sudden, AI is transforming the way many companies (and full industries themselves) get things done—for better or worse.
Here at Press Hook, our Tech Team has been hard at work, building AI-powered tools designed to make life easier for brands, publicists, and media alike. From our press release generator to AI-powered source recommendations, even right down to our newest feature, AI-Generated Brand Profiles, we’re harnessing the power of AI technology to help you accomplish tasks more quickly and efficiently so that you can spend more time on your bigger picture plans.
What does Press Hook think about AI?
Though Press Hook sees the value in utilizing AI technology to move work forward, we also believe that it needs to be used responsibly. AI-generated content should be considered a first draft, not a finished product. It’s important to edit your content, making sure that all information is accurate and the tone, voice, and angle are correct. Want to add quotes from your company founder or an expert affiliated with your brand? Go ahead and do so during your editing process to round out the content generated during the initial drafting process and refined while editing.
Whether you’re using AI technology or not, you’re still ultimately responsible for the messaging you’re presenting to your audience, whether on your website, your social media channels, in emailed communications, or through ads. That’s why it’s essential that you use any technological tools responsibly and go over everything with a fine toothed comb before making it public or distributing it and also why we recommend that you primarily use these kinds of tools for initial processes like brainstorming, research, and drafting, as opposed to always relying on them for finalized copy or content.
Press Hook's AI-Powered Tools
Press Hook’s AI-powered tools touch every user type, from media to brands and publicists. These are just a few of the ways that we’re working to overhaul your experience on the platform and make it easier than ever for you to get to the important tasks on your to-do list without getting bogged down with more administrative tasks:
For media:
AI-powered source suggestions, developed based on the source requests they themselves submit, designed to give them quick ideas of brands and products that may be a fit while they wait for brands to respond to their requests.
For brands and publicists:
- AI-generated media kits - complete your brand profile in minutes after simply adding your brand’s website
- AI-powered media lists - find out which journalists on the Press Hook platform may be a great fit for your brand, products, or experts
- Press Release Generator - quickly and painlessly generate a first draft of your press release after providing a few key details
- Pitch Generator - not familiar with what makes a great pitch and really gets journalists interested? No problem with the Press Hook Pitch Generator. Get a head-start on your next great pitch using the generator and edit to polish it up before sending it out.
Here at Press Hook, we’ll continue to explore how all kinds of tools can make your experience—and your PR and media relations journey—better. Whether it’s AI or the next big thing, we’ll also continue to share upcoming trends and education with our audience in weekly emails and here on the Press Hook blog.
Have more questions about how Press Hook views AI or how you can put these tools to work for yourself? Book a call to speak with a member of our team here.