In our latest "Coffee Chat" series, we had the privilege of sitting down with Kim Taylor, the publisher and editor of Beauty News NYC. Kim's journey from teaching and journalism to her current role at the helm of a thriving digital platform is as captivating as the stories her team curates. Join us as we delve into Kim's unique path and her insights into the beauty industry's ever-evolving landscape.
Press Hook: Hello Kim! What's your personal journey that led up to BeautyNewsNYC?
Kim Taylor: My personal journey is that I used to teach copywriting and I was a journalist or editor at one point for Newsweek, New York Magazine, and The New York Times. I've written for The New Yorker and I'm also a screenwriter. So I'm pretty much steeped in different types of writing.
PH: You're the Swiss army knife of copywriting! Tell me how you became a co-publisher at BeautyNewsNYC?
KT: I love entrepreneurial ventures and I was given the opportunity to purchase this site in 2011. Having worked there previously, I took on that challenge. We have an indie spirit - considering that we're competing with large digital giants - and we've hung in there for 20 years now. We have 34 writers and 10 sections.
PH: Ooh, what are your top 3 favorite sections?
KT: I love fashion, travel, and metro kitchen.
PH: And is there a particular focus area in all these sections?
KT: We try to focus on diversity, clean ingredient products, small businesses, startups, and those led by women that are sustainable and earth-friendly. In general, things that our writers enjoy covering and they are interested in.
PH: I saw a piece on your travels in Italy. Do you have a favorite travel destination?
KT: It’s the island of Ischia in Italy, because it's just so enchanted. It's covered with lemon trees and has beehives everywhere, along with wine and friendly people. It's absolutely gorgeous. It is a bit of a trek to get there, but once you're on the island, it's so worth it.
PH: Nice! Going back to the writing process - how does the team ideate, write, and revise?
KT: It's very experiential. Our writers like to actually try something and immerse themselves in it, whether it's an experience or a product. And then they'll write about it from the angle of how it affected them, how it affects society, is it good for the world, or is it just fun? I mean sometimes, food and products can just be fun or delicious! But other times they can be edifying. So we tried to cover it all. We have an editorial calendar, so a lot of what we cover is tethered to a season or a holiday, or maybe a trend in society. But if a writer has their own unique interests, we will definitely support that as well.
PH: That's great to hear. What are some trends that you're seeing lately?
KT: People want clean beauty, especially in fragrance. If you're spraying something on yourself, or putting something on your body, I think people care more now that it's not harming them. So we are looking for clean beauty brands. And it's also nice to support diversity and women-owned brands as well.
PH: Is that a mission statement of sorts?
KT: Well, I look forward to a future filled with a lot more diversity and a lot more eco-friendly products. A brighter future in general. And we're part of the process!
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Check out BeautyNewsNYC at: https://www.beautynewsnyc.com/
Learn more about Kim Taylor at: https://www.bkimtaylornyc.com/about